
Come Develop with Us

Developing and Sharing Web Apps through CodVerter

CodVerter WebApps is a platform designed specifically for web developers, providing a central hub to publish their web applications and make them accessible to a global audience.
Our goal is to create a repository of high-quality web apps that offer value to users, including calculators, educational content, and utilities.
As a developer, you can create your web app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript via the CodVerter web editor or your preferred IDE.
All submitted apps go through a review process to ensure they meet our quality standards and guidelines.
With CodVerter, you can test and save your projects in the cloud, view and edit them, and publish them to the hub for the world to see.
This provides a centralized, streamlined way to showcase your work and make it easily discoverable through search engines like Google.
Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, CodVerter offers a convenient, user-friendly platform to build and publish your web applications.

Here is a short tutorial on how to publish a Web App

CodVerter Web Editor: A User-Friendly HTML Development Platform

CodVerter provides a powerful HTML editor for web developers to create and publish their web applications with ease.
The editor is designed with simplicity and minimalism in mind, allowing you to focus on the coding without distractions.
It features a user-friendly interface, making it easy for developers of all levels to use, from seasoned pros to beginners just starting out.
The HTML editor provides a one-page environment, allowing you to work on your web applications in a streamlined, intuitive way.
With built-in testing and debugging tools, you can quickly test and refine your code until it's just right.
And, once you're happy with your work, you can publish it directly to the CodVerter hub, making it accessible to users worldwide.
CodVerter provides the tools you need to bring your ideas to life.
And, with a comprehensive review process in place, you can be sure that your published applications will meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.
So why wait? Start creating your web applications today with CodVerter's HTML editor. Click here to get started!
You can also Take advantage of our comprehensive resources including a step-by-step guide and video tutorial series on building an Interval Timer App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Building for Impact: The CodVerter WebApps Vision for High-Quality Web Applications

CodVerter WebApps is dedicated to promoting and showcasing web applications that bring value to the world.
From educational content to practical utilities, we believe that high-quality web applications can make a positive impact on people's lives and we are committed to supporting that.
As a developer, you can create and publish your web apps with confidence knowing that our review process ensures that only content that brings value to the world is accepted and made available through our platform.
Whether you're building something for personal use or for a wider audience, CodVerter provides a secure, reliable, and accessible environment to bring your ideas to life.

Simplicity and Minimalism: CodVerter WebApps

CodVerter WebApps is designed with simplicity and minimalism in mind, offering a one-page web application environment that runs seamlessly on any modern browser.
Our platform allows developers to create and publish web apps that are easy to use, intuitive, and streamlined.
Whether you're building a complex tool or a simple calculator, CodVerter provides the framework to build and deliver your web app with minimal overhead.
The single-page design of CodVerter WebApps allows for a fast, seamless experience for users, and the lightweight, browser-based environment means that apps can be accessed from anywhere, on any device.
With CodVerter, you can focus on building your ideas, knowing that the platform will handle the delivery and accessibility of your web apps.

Guidelines for Submitting a Web App for Review

Creating a web application that delivers an optimal user experience is a complex task that requires careful attention to detail.
These guidelines outline the key requirements for a web application to ensure it meets the expectations of its users.
From compatibility with popular browsers to performance and content, these guidelines provide a comprehensive guide to developing a web application that is visually appealing, accessible, stable, and secure.

UI and Graphics

The web app UI is compatible to PC, tablet and mobile, functionality is preserved in all UI modes, minor changes are acceptable. The app is displayed properly in all popular browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Apple Safari).

Visual Quality

The web app displays graphics, text, images, and other UI elements without noticeable distortion, blurring, or pixelation. The content is not dense and the padding within ui elements and the margin between ui elements are used correctly.


Buttons, text boxes, and target areas are convenient to use and operate with the mouse (PC) and/or touch (touch screens). The web app’s text and foreground content should maintain a high enough color contrast ratio with its background. The app works properly in all popular browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Apple Safari).


The app does not crash either gets stuck or puts the browser tab into an endless loop.


The initial load of the web app does not exceed the 2 seconds on a device with average technical specifications. When app initial init is greater than 2 seconds it must provides onscreen feedback to the user (a progress indicator or similar cue). All functions in the web app are performed in a reasonable time and if long processing is required, feedback must be presented to the user.


The following cases will result in outright rejection:
• Security and potential for malicious content.
• Suspicion of scam and misuse of the platform.
• The app displays or refers to inappropriate content, such as violence, sex, abuse, etc.
• The content filled by the author is insufficient or does not clearly describe the use.