CodVerter's JSON Validator will check your JSON and tell you if it's valid or not. Here you can learn how it works.

Step 1: Insert JSON

Open CodVerter's JSON Validator and insert your JSON to the input editor. You can paste data, or drag and drop a JSON / text file.

JSON Validator - Paste or drag and drop JSON data

Paste or drag and drop JSON data

Step 2: Test JSON Validity

Here's a sample of an invalid JSON, it contains data for a customer named John Black with his address and orders details:

  {"id": 73759,
  "firstName: "John",
  "lastName": "Black",
  "address": {
  "street": "12 Grimmauld Place",
  "city": "London",
  "postalCode": 42290,
  "country": "England" },
  "orders": [
      {"orderId": 54986315,
      "quantity": 1,
      "orderStatus": "complete"},
      {"orderId": 43434534,
      "quantity": 3,
      "orderStatus": "complete"},
      {"orderId": 43434533,
      "quantity": 3,
      "orderStatus": "canceled"} ] }

Sample of invalid JSON data

Paste it to CodVerter JSON Validator, press the "Convert" button and check why it's not valid.

JSON Validator - error message

Invalid JSON error message in CodVerter's JSON Validator

We got the following error message as output:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ':' after property name in object at line 2 column 16 of the JSON data

Invalid JSON error message

The error indicates that there's an issue with the property name in line 2. When looking at line 2 We can see that it's missing a double apostrophe (quotation mark) ".

Step 3: Fix Invalid JSON

Once we know what the issue is, we can fix it. Let's add the missing double apostrophe and try again.

  {"id": 73759,
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Black",
  "address": {
  "street": "12 Grimmauld Place",
  "city": "London",
  "postalCode": 42290,
  "country": "England" },
  "orders": [
      {"orderId": 54986315,
      "quantity": 1,
      "orderStatus": "complete"},
      {"orderId": 43434534,
      "quantity": 3,
      "orderStatus": "complete"},
      {"orderId": 43434533,
      "quantity": 3,
      "orderStatus": "canceled"} ] }

Fixed sample of invalid JSON data

CodVerter's JSON Validator without errors

CodVerter's JSON Validator without errors

Step 4: Display Valid JSON

Now that our JSON is valid, we have 2 ways to display it: Pretty JSON or Mini JSON.

Pretty JSON

In Pretty JSON, aka JSON beautifier, data is formatted and re-arranged by adding indentions and new lines after commas and brackets. Choose "Prettify JSON" and output data view will transform to a beauty JSON format.

Pretty JSON output

Pretty JSON output


In Mini JSON, data is formatted and re-arranged by removing all indentions and new lines, making it one line without indentions. Choose "Minify JSON" and output data view will transform to a compressed JSON format.

Mini JSON output

Mini JSON output

Step 5: Export Results

You can save the output to a text file on your computer by pressing the "Save" button, or to continue working on your data on Codverter's Text Editor by pressing "Continue in Text Editor".

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