When working with data, we've all got the chance to handle JSON files. It could be a file we created, or an existing file created by someone else. In order to process it we need to verify the data is in a correct JSON format.

Use CodVerter's JSON Validator to resolve invalid JSON issues.

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a format of structured data. It is a collection (or more) of properties described as names and value pairs (name:value). Each collection is surrounded with curly brackets. A property' value data type can be a number, a string, a boolean, an array or null (an empty value).

  "id": 73759,
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Black",
  "streetAddress": "12 Grimmauld Place",
  "city": "London",
  "state": null,
  "postalCode": 42290,
  "country": "England"

Sample of JSON data

Keys for a Valid JSON Format

  • Collections and properties are separated from one another with a comma ,
  • Each collection is surrounded with curly brackets { }
  • Property's name and value are separated with a colon :
  • Strings are surrounded with double apostrophe (quotation mark) " and not with a single one '
  • Arrays are surrounded with square brackets [ ] and values within are separated with a comma ,
  • Make sure there aren't any commas at the end of the last data type
  • For nested data {{...}}, verify that the amount of opening curly brackets is equal to the amount of closing curly brackets

CodVerter's JSON Validator

Our JSON Validator will test your JSON's validity. If it's not valid, the tool will show you the matching error message. Insert JSON data to the input editor and press "Convert". If your JSON is valid you can choose how to display it:

  • Pretty JSON - data is displayed with indentions and with new lines after commas
  • Mini JSON - data is displayed in one line without indentions

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